See here for an Overview of the API

The first step, before calling any RightsZone API, is to authenticate the underlying Salesforce API. Authenticating against Salesforce's endpoint can be done in one of two ways:

  • Using clientId, client secret, username, password and security token
  • or using oauth*

*However, RightsZone only supports the username and password authentication flow

Before starting.....

Make sure that the password flow is activated in your org (this is used by the RZ API app so needs to be enabled in the OAuth settings (see screenshot below). 




The Salesforce release note that explains this is located here:


Enter the following details to authenticate RightsZone on Salesforce:


Method: Post
URL: OR  OR your_unique_domain followed by /services/oauth2/token (NOTE it might be different from the URL you see when using Salesforce as a user)


Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


  • grant_type: password
  • client_id:3MVG9I5UQ_0k_hTnAgYPAbMxTGLlQyil2vk0PRlpqG0BCnZKv7.E_lJODzs2mDjr.EvuIWA1PE.i6b5WlfbxU
  • client_secret:FC499445AF156E1D0825A751C04847086ED86CA89C6C22941673684274486C81
  • username:your_rightszone_user_name (note this may be different to your email address)
  • password: your_password + your_securityToken


  • Status: 200
  • The response is sent in the body
  • The access_token is what you need for subsequent calls to the API
  • The instance_url is the URL to use in subsequent calls to the API (this must replace OR OR your unique domain)


    "access_token": "00D2z0000008l2S!AQMAQIu0JppEUivrjmNBCQXsoo0juG17B5kdbFDexRZh_XI4nFuG.gl9APZILbwCK7U76A8Hrp0hGxGklm3ab_F2DVmw6yFQ",

    "instance_url": "",

    "id": "",

    "token_type": "Bearer",

    "issued_at": "1612956411146",

    "signature": "tgnxSW6utT8DJ4crCxQyPrek6GRtV75f01A+bYE0KKU="


Example in Postman

Authenticate to RightsZone

See here for further information:

Calling the RightsZone API

Create Project

Create Project & Component